Thursday, August 10, 2006

Growth with sharing ...

People have unlimited desires, which they want to fulfill at every stage of life. People want to grow either at personal or professional level. There are two ways, one can grow (lets take the working of an organization):
  1. Personal growth with people around you
  2. Personal growth without sharing with others

In case 1, one will have an inner desire and energy to learn. One believes in sharing one's learnings and findings with his teammates and show them a path to grow as well.

In case 2, one has the same feelings, but with a difference to not share. He is threatened of:

  • Fading of ones importance
  • Praise of ones teammmates, whom one can impart learnings
  • Losing the upper hand

Lets analyze the case 2 in detail:

  1. Sharing is not happening
  2. Unhealthy environment
  3. Competitive spirit within the teammates
  4. Hiding of learning from one another
  5. Uncomfortable nature within teammates
  6. Learnings limited to one self
  7. No multiplication/ addition of learnings

So overall what will happen is that - learning will be compromised by not sharing with each other for new ideas and findings.

Nows lets look into the state of mind of a person - who is hiding learnings from his Colleagues:

  • He is always worried of his teammates to learn more then himself
  • His energy will be wasted in trivial things
  • State of turmoil - wiser teammate

This cycle will keep going until and unless one is aware of all this. If not all, many of us pass through this phase, but hide from ourselves about this issue.

So guys, just check-out whether you are suffering from this?


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