Monday, August 29, 2005

Is SMOKING CIGARRETE BAD .. a mathematical model !!

There are several philosophies and stats against smoking.

One thousand Americans stop smoking every day - by dying .
But what is the population of US .. it is 295 million
So (1000/ 259000000 )*100= .00034%
In a year .00034% * 365 = 0.125% i.e. 1 out of 800 die because of smoking every year

But how many do smoke out of 800. Lets have a conservative estimate - 300 people out of 800 smoke.

That means 1 out of 300 smokers die every year.

But important point to understand is 299 dont die ..

What do you guys have to comment on it?


Blogger MarkOUT said...

Once or twice a day is fine .. But it will be great if one can leave it. But smoking occasionally is fine!!

5:46 AM  
Blogger MarkOUT said...

what is wrong with a guy who smokes once or twice a day .. it reduces only 5 mins from his life (1 cigarrete reduce 5 mins)

But the enjoyment after a cigarette is also there!! relaxes you as well..

I feel that it should not be a habbit .. excess of everything is bad .. But a midway path is always the preffered choice !!

6:21 AM  
Blogger amitsinha said...

well smoking is bad till the moment you are not confident of quitting it.
But some old intelligent fellow has written "quitting smoking is very easy and I have done it 100 times".
So it depends that you take an easy path of quitting it 100 times or call it a day for once and all.

9:12 AM  

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